Press Releases
The Statement of Coordination of the national parties and blocs regarding foreign interference in the sovereignty of the Libyan people.
Further to the First Edition of our Proposal (issued on 16 December 2021), and considering the fruitful discussions that took place with a wide range of Libyan political and civil society actors, on several platforms and with several coordination groups, and considering the conflict over the Supreme Judicial Council, Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya) proposes the following
Press Release | Aref Nayed, Chairman of Ihya Libya, extends gratitude to the international community
Aref Nayed, Chairman of Ihya Libya, extends gratitude to the international community for their continued support ...
Aref Nayed, Chairman of Ihya Libya, announced his intention to run for Presidential Elections scheduled for ...
At a time when the Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya) Movement called for the expedient completion of the constitutional ...
His Excellency,
UN Special Envoy on Libya,
Ján Kubiš,
Head of the United Nations Support Mission in ...
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
{May a community arise from you that calls for ...
Honorable Head and Members of the Libyan House of Representatives, Esquires
H.E. Chairman and Members of the ...
Your Excellency, Ambassador Richard Norland
Special Envoy and Ambassador of the United States of America to ...
Libyan political parties, blocs, political forces and movements, signatories to this communiqué, follow with great ...
While the parties, movements and political forces, signatories to this statement, followed up, with great concern, ...
H.E. Mr. Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the UN and President of the Security Council ...