Employing Our Youth

Employing Our Youth

Why it Matters

Our children are the future of Libya. Stagnation of Libya’s economy has created a large population of disillusioned youth. We must honor the sacrifices made by Libyan youth and make employment and job security a national priority. Investment in our nation’s youth will provide a basis for stability in Libya and help secure a prosperous economic future.

Employing Our Youth

Why it Matters

Our children are the future of Libya. Stagnation of Libya’s economy has created a large population of disillusioned youth. We must honor the sacrifices made by Libyan youth and make employment and job security a national priority. Investment in our nation’s youth will provide a basis for stability in Libya and help secure a prosperous economic future.

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My Plan for Libya

Human Resources Development

Our nation’s natural resources are a gift that all Libyans share. It is imperative that a legal framework is created to ensure that Libyans for generations to come enjoy the benefits of our natural resource wealth. We must support and implement a new petroleum law to create a more transparent, fair, and efficiently managed oil and gas sector that addresses revenue sharing between central and local government.

Public Sector Excellence

A professional, committed civil service is required to build a more citizen-focused and performance-oriented public sector. As the largest employer in Libya, the public sector determines the rapidity, efficiency, and ultimate success of reforms. Therefore, the quality of the public sector in terms of its accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency in administration, service delivery, and management, is of utmost importance to the country’s future.

Incentivizing Private Sector Employment

Transforming Libya into a diversified economy will require increased private sector employment participation. However, the labor market remains highly segmented with the majority of Libyans employed in the public sector. Socio-cultural factors and the perception of more favorable conditions of employment offered by the public sector have led to reluctance in joining the private sector. Preferences for public sector jobs coupled with limited comparable opportunities in the private sector have precipitated a crisis in which the government is unable to create suitable employment opportunities to absorb our youthful population entering the labor market.

We must quickly increase and diversify the participation of Libyans in the labor market through investment in education and training, incentives for private companies to hire Libyans, and measures to encourage more women to enter the labor force. Initiatives that reduce barriers to entrepreneurship will also encourage Libyans to invest in establishing their own businesses.


Support Aref’s Plan for Employing Our Youth

Our government is unable to create suitable employment opportunities to absorb our highly-educated, youthful population. Add your name to support Aref Nayed’s plan to move Libya forward by supporting youth in developing the skills required to attain rewarding jobs outside the public sector.

Vision for Libya: