Rebuilding Social Support Systems

Rebuilding Social Support Systems

Why it Matters

Our post-conflict nation building experience has revealed weakness in our ability to support families that face special circumstances which require social support. Ongoing conflict, social challenges, urbanization, and increasing economic pressures involved in supporting households have gradually brought hardship to groups such as the elderly, single parent households, veterans, conflict-affected populations, youth, the physically and mentally disabled, and orphans. We must work together to create inclusive solutions for the support of all Libyans.

Rebuilding Social Support Systems

Why it Matters

Our post-conflict nation building experience has revealed weakness in our ability to support families that face special circumstances which require social support. Ongoing conflict, social challenges, urbanization, and increasing economic pressures involved in supporting households have gradually brought hardship to groups such as the elderly, single parent households, veterans, conflict-affected populations, youth, the physically and mentally disabled, and orphans. We must work together to create inclusive solutions for the support of all Libyans.

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My Plan for Libya

Prevent Further Damage

Adverse social consequences are beginning to manifest themselves from a lack of sufficient support systems including juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, widespread youth unemployment, social exclusion, and ongoing mistrust of institutions that feeds violence. Our aspiration is for a nation with an effective social protection system provided by multiple stakeholders that assists the weak, the marginalized, and the vulnerable who cannot look after themselves. This will require a national social protection policy, a broader range of community based support facilities, and more precise data collection for targeted interventions.

Steps to Recovery

Libya must enhance its social protection system at the national and municipal levels to support its citizens who are unable to obtain a minimum standard of living through their own efforts and assist them to become self-reliant. This would include balancing passive labor market interventions such as income support and unemployment insurance with active labor market intervention programs that include training and retraining of the unemployed, counseling, job placement assistance, and government securitized loans for aspiring entrepreneurs.


Support Aref’s Plan for Rebuilding Social Support Systems

The progress of Libya depends on the progress of our most vulnerable — the elderly, single parent households, veterans, conflict-affected populations, youth, the physically and mentally disabled, and orphans. Add your name to support Aref Nayed’s plan to move Libya forward by providing increased support for the disadvantaged.

Vision for Libya: