An Initiative that Supports the Transformation of Sirte into a Political Capital


Benghazi – Ihya Libya proposed an initiative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, whose contents reflect indirect support for the proposal of the Speaker of Parliament, Agila Saleh, to transform Sirte into the capital of the executive authority.

Among the most prominent items of the initiative is the declaration of the city of Sirte as a demilitarized zone under the control of the United Nations and “the immediate freezing of the current battle lines to avoid the risk of a regional clash that has come around the corner or less between the two largest armies in our region, namely the Turkish army and the Egyptian army.”

The initiative also provides for the introduction of a mixed Libyan police force to Sirte, its members from all parts of Libya who carry police numbers prior to the year 2011, accompanied by police observers from Europe, Canada, and Australia.
