Legal Defeat of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood against Aref Ali Nayed


Colombia (United States) – The District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia ruled to drop the lawsuit filed by the Muslim Brotherhood Lobby, Libya Branch, against the head of Ihya Libya and the former ambassador to the UAE, Aref Ali Nayed.

A statement issued by Nayed said on Saturday that the US court had ordered “all the plaintiff’s claims against defendant Aref Nayed to be permanently dropped based on the plaintiff’s final voluntary dismissal of all their claims, according to the federal civil procedures.”

Nayed called on the defense team to “continue to work in its favor and continue to file cases in the courts of the United States and elsewhere, and to take all legal measures against all the continuous slander and distortion attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood lobby in the United States, with their associations, their recruits, and through their channels, platforms and armies.” And their electronic flies in (Turkey) and all the centers of their international organization. “
