Nayed: The Muslim Brotherhood and the Militant Group and Their Militias will be Defeated in the Battle for Tripoli by the Army


Dr. Aref Nayed participated in the delegation of sheikhs and elders of the Warfalla tribe, with all their social structures from eastern, western and southern Libya, to offer condolences to the Al-Awaqir tribe and the people of the city of Al-Abyar and its environs regarding their loss, the mother of MP Ali Al-Qatrani, the resigning member of the Presidential Council.

After the condolences ceremony, in which Al-Nayed mentioned the beginning of the historical relations, kinships, and the kinship between the two tribes, he referred to the financial blockade imposed by the Government of National Accord on the east and south, despite their being the sources of oil, as well as on cities loyal to the army in the west, such as Tarhuna, Sabratha, Surman and others.

He also confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood and Libyan fighting groups and their militias will be defeated in the battle of Tripoli sooner or later, at the hands of the armed forces, which he said had gathered together the army and created a military institution around which all the military gathered.
