“Judgment and Communion”
By Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al-Kharroubi Al-Trabelsi, who died in the year 963 AH, he took care of him: Prof. Aref Ali Nayed, more than twenty years ago. The book is a publication of the Kalam Research and Media Foundation, first printed in 2016. To acquire the book, please click on this link. The book is a collection of wisdom, in which its author proceeded on the approach of generous wisdom, and mapped in a wonderful way, which is the summary of his distinctive scientific and cognitive spiritual experience, which he transmitted in his various books.
The investigator verified the text based on a unique copy and on the commentary copy of Imam al-Kharoubi himself, and he presented him with a translation of the author, and he mentioned the investigator’s evidence to the author.
Al-Hukm and Munajat by Imam Al-Kharoubi Al-Trabelsi 963 AH
Published: 2010 | 40 pages