Libya Institute Launches Libya Vision 2030


After years of suffering, a difficult struggle, and many lives lost, we have achieved our freedom. We must now address the security, economic, human development, and governance challenges our nation faces. Inspired by the values of the 17th of February Revolution, we formulated a national vision for Libya for the next six years called Libya Vision 2020. It is critically important that we have a clear vision for where we want our country to be and how to get there to direct our national focus as we confront Libya’s post-conflict challenges.

By launching Libya Vision 2020, we want to establish a shared purpose for all Libyans that serves as a bond to build a better future. Aref Nayed invites you to share your thoughts and engage with other Libyans on the future of our country on the Libya Vision 2020 Citizen Portal. A preview of Libya Vision 2020 is available below.