LIAS organized a discussion session titled: (Libyan Biography)


On February 24, 2024, LIAS organized a discussion session in its hall in the city of Benghazi titled: (Libyan Biography).

In it, the professor, writer, and man of letters, Mansour Bushnaf, spoke about autobiography writing in Libya, explaining the types of autobiography, alterity, and semi-autobiography, with examples and models of them, ancient and modern, from printed works, ancient and modern, referring at the end of his speech to looks at the book The Foundations of the Soul by Prof. Dr. Naguib El Hussadi.

The intervention of Prof. Dr. Al-Sanussi Al-Taher, Vice Dean of the Libyan International University for Medical Sciences, read in the book More than One Biography by Dr. Muhammad Al-Mufti, the doctor and writer, speaking about the personal relationship that connects him with the author, and the stages of his life, his biography, and his noble humanitarian positions. Prof. Dr. Al-Senussi, in his last intervention, announced that the Libyan International University granted the first honorary doctorate to Dr. Muhammad al-Mufti, for his great efforts in scientific, cognitive, cultural, and social writing.

The interview of Prof. Dr. Aref Nayed, President of the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies, about the book: The Knights of the Spirit by Prof. Dr. Naguib El Hussadi, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Benghazi, and I supported his statement by asking about Prof. Dr. Naguib El Hussadi’s project, what this project is, its stages, rules, and evidence, in terms of the foundation to deny errors and wrong ideas, and then building Logical and philosophical cognitive, then spiritual, value-based, moral, societal and political construction of life.

The audience participated with their various questions, inquiries, additions and problems.

The audience included a group of interested men and women, male and female specialists, and male and female researchers, in culture, philosophy, science, knowledge, logic, politics, art, media, and communication.

You will find the full interview on our website and page soon.