Aref Nayed: The Brotherhood is the Basis of Terrorism, and Erdogan’s Talk of Sending Troops to Libya is Political Stupidity


The head of the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies, Aref Nayed, denounced Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s talk about sending troops to Libya, describing it as a talk at the summit of political stupidity.

Nayed considered in an interview with Al-Arabiya that Erdogan’s “illegal” agreements with Al-Sarraj, in addition to his threat to invade Libya, he offered a great service against the presidency, whom everyone, including Italy, had given up.

He explained that the body concerned with these agreements specifically is the Libyan Parliament, according to the Constitutional Declaration and the Skhirat Agreement, as the parliament is the only elected body, and it is the legitimate council recognized by the United Nations and recognized by the world.
